Labyrinths have been around for thousands of years. Often mistaken for mazes, which are designed to trap and confuse, labyrinths are designed to calm and clarify. They achieve this by having only one path, one way in and one way out.
It is believed that their original purpose was to symbolize the pilgrimage to holy sites and lands for those who were unable to travel the distance for one reason or another. Modern mystics use labyrinths to help them achieve a contemplative state. Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus quiets the mind.
Many newly-made labyrinths exist today, in churches and parks.
Lauren Artress, founder of Veriditas,
answers questions about the labyrinth.
Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress and Dr. Norvene Vest explore walking as a spiritual contemplative practice
Lissa Coffey of Coffey Talk speaks about walking the labyrinth
Lilou Mace, host of Juicy Living Tour, explains how Labyrinths can be used to heal.
The Sacred Geometry of Chartres Cathedral.
The Labyrinth Society goes over some locations of Labyrinths.
We have created these walks for you. Please feel free to print the downloads out or forward them to anyone who might enjoy. These can be used while walking a physical labyrinth; or, if time and location do not permit, you can trace the labyrinth on the page with your finger to simulate a walk. Peace be with you.